Linear Regression

What is Regression?

A measure of the relation between the continuous dependent variable(e.g. output) with one/many discrete/continuous independent variables(e.g. input).
In Machine Learning, Regression is a supervised statistical predictive model.
Other statistical models are Descriptive model , Prescriptive model etc.

Different Types of Regression model in Machine Learning

In Machine learning, There are mainly  Three types  of  Regression model.

  • Linear Regression Model 

In this type of predictive model, The relationship between the Independent and Dependent Variables can be  represented as straight line(single/multiple particularly where clusters are present).
linear regression

  • Polynomial Regression Model
In this type of predictive model, The relationship between the Independent and Dependent Variables can be  represented as polynomial curve(single/multiple particularly where clusters are present).
Polynomial Regression Model

  • Logistic Regression Model
 It is special type of classification model where this model can classify dependent variable in different classes(Binomial for 2 classes/Multinomial for more than 2 classes) where it use a linear model implicitly.

Logistic Regression Model

In this post we are going to see about the most simple REGRESSION MODEL (LINEAR) 

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Basics of Linear Model in Machine Learning:

Here, using linear model we express the dependent variable(Y) in terms of independent variables(X1, X2, X3)  
    Y = b0 + b1*x1+b2*x2+b3*x3
Here, we have taken 3 independent variables only.
We choose the best fit straight line by minimizing the mean of sum of squared error(MSE).
From that if we minimize the summation of squared error then also we can able to minimize the above expression. This function is called Cost function.

From the cost function we can get the coefficients(or weights) of each independent variable by equating the first derivative of the cost function equals to Zero.

cost function

If we have bivariate data, then from the above expression we will get a very beautiful result.
 Y = b0 + b1*x    [ For Bivariate Data ]
Then we will get these result, given as -
                 b1 = cov(x,y)/var(x)
                 b0 = E(y)-b1*E(x)
where E(x) and E(y) gives the mean of x and y respectively.

Reasons for using MSE(mean squared error) over MAE(mean absolute error)

  • Cost function, as being quadratic function, is a continuous differentiable function. That's why we get a global minima that ensures the best fit line.
  • On the other hand, |x| function is continuous but a non differentiable function we can not do the previous steps.

Disadvantage of using MSE(mean squared error)

  • If the Error is very large then the square of it will become a very large number. Then for our simplicity we will use different types of error estimation function


From the above concept we have learnt about What Regression problem is and What is linear regression. For the next concepts please go though the other posts of Data Science.


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